Online Therapy for First and Second Generation Latinas

in Los Angeles and all of California

Postpartum Therapy

Therapy for women who love their babies, but aren’t so sure about being a mother.

The postpartum period can be joyful, but it also brings unexpected challenges and emotional ups and downs. I’ll help you connect to your inner strength, develop coping strategies, and reclaim yourself as you navigate this delicate phase of motherhood.

You weren’t meant to mother alone. You’re deserving of caring support that will set you on the path to feeling like yourself again.


Birth Trauma Therapy

Don't let the weight of a traumatic birth experience hold you back any longer. You deserve to heal from the invisible wounds that have kept you disconnected from yourself, your baby, and your life.

With the compassionate use of evidence-based treatments and a nurturing approach, I guide you onto a transformational path that will help you renew your faith in yourself. What happened wasn’t your fault, and therapy can alleviate the fear that you could have done more.

Your path to healing and reclaiming hope awaits.

Therapy for Latinx Women

Growing up Latina in California is a unique experience. Maybe you were brought here when you were just a kid, or maybe your family has been here for a few generations, either way, the intersection of being both from aquí y de allá has shaped you.

I’m a Latinx therapist that gets Spanglish, and can help you untangle generations’ worth of marianismo, colorism, and displacement. As a 1.5 gen immigrant, I get it, and I’ll help you to feel seen and understood by the most important person: maravillosa you.